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My Brother Noel's Passing

 1955 Noel and Marian on their first visit to the USA

It is with sadness that I tell that, after a long and valiantly fought battle, my brother Noel succumbed to pancreatic cancer on June 12th 2007 at his home in Portland, Oregon.  Noel was laid to rest by his family and friends in the graveyard of The Old Scotch Church  nearby.  A kilted piper in full Scottish regalia played Noel's favorite Scottish tunes and sounded  his last farewell. 


Till We Meet Again

Call for ma piper Noel said,

have him play here by my bed,

I am content with the life I led,

so play a happy air.


I've lived some life in native glen,

and count as friends great Scottish men,

think of me atop Highland ben,

walking without care.


Play a tune, play it proud,

to take me over Ben Nevis cloud,

Ferguson tartan for my shroud,

they'll see ma pride up there.


Marian I'll wait "between,"  we'll go together,

to take a stroll through heaven's heather,

eternal love for one another,

beyond life's thoroughfare.


I stood proud and tall and never fell,

if you tell my story, tell it well

I now bid ye all a fond farewell.

Till we meet again.


Noel and Marian 2007


 Noel was as fine a person as you could ever wish to meet in your entire lifetime.

He was born at Earlsferry, Scotland in our home, "The Cross,"

to be our mother Katie's 1929 Christmas Day present. 

Noel 1929----2007 

Noel spent many nights with his powerful telescope as he studied and contemplated the wonderment and the  brilliance of the stars and the vastness of space.