My Brother, Noel Reekie
All boys
need a getaway private place, a workplace, a "Howff." Especially
a place where grown ups really aren't allowed in. A place
where you can
pursue your visions, your ideas, your dreams. A place where you
can make experiments, do things, make an awful mess if you want
to. A place to make
moulds, heat up and cast metals, saw wood, cut up bits of
metal with a hack saw, solder wires, shape
and smooth things with a file.
Even though we didn't know
it at the time, my two brothers, John and Noel and I did things there that became the starting
place of all of our future lifetime occupations.
We three
were fortunate in that we were born and grew up to be teenagers
before television was commercially available. Instead of passively watching others
doing things, we thought up, made and created things.
As three
brothers we had complimentary skills. When it came to wood, John
was a perfectionist, an artist in wood. I could do most anything that
involved metals. Noel was an inventor when it came to
creating electronic devices. Ham radio, cameras,
telescopes to study the heavens, and optics were
second nature to Noel. Noel spent countless hours mounting
specimens of things on to glass slides then studying them under a high power microscope.
(Present from
Monty Moncrieff.)
Noel was particularly proficient in
propagating and directing radio waves. In the realm
of the ether
Noel was in his element.
As the
sea roared on dark winter nights we were indeed fortunate that we had such a cozy warm
place to let our imaginations run wild as we worked on our projects.
Our howff, at the bottom of our garden, in due time, acquired a
workbench, a wood stove, metal and woodworking tools and a great
supply of every material imaginable. These supplies and tools
were all gleaned from the local coup (dump). Each day instead
of coming straight home from school, I detoured to the local
coup to find the treasures of the day. It's incredible the
amount of good stuff that people throw away. At the coup I had
stashed my basic disassembly tools to take the bigger things
apart into smaller sized pieces. Perambulator wheels, axles,
gears, bicycle chains, old radios, spark plugs, old generators,
optical lenses, old cameras, broken clocks, screws, nuts and
bolts, bits of tin, iron bed rails, etc., etc., these all
found their way in to our "makins pile." I learned a very good
lesson from all this. Never look at anything and see it as it
is. Look at it and imagine all the many many other things that
it might or could be.
Electricity for the Howff
To begin with our howff was illuminated by paraffin oil
lamps. After that I acquired a generator from a bus and built
it into a wind mill. I experimented with several propellers and
chain drives to gear up the speed. A four bladed propeller was too
slow and the salt air rusted and wrecked the chain drive. What worked best was
a two bladed propeller directly attached to the rotor of the generator. But
being low voltage DC (32 volts) and requiring storage batteries and only
being able to use it for lights the whole effort was more trouble
than it was worth so I abandoned the project. However I learned a
Electricity into the home was a fairly recent innovation. We often
talked about how great it would be to have electric light in our
workshop howff. The standard voltage to supply domestic power was
250 volts, alternating, single phase current and was supplied by an insulated three
wire system; a power wire, a neutral or common wire and a ground
wire. One day while foraging for "makins" in the coup I came across
a good length of single insulated wire. Noel, John and I got our
heads together and figured out that since we didn't have enough wire
to make the three wire system, if we just drove a metal rod into the
ground alongside of the shed, that would more or less suffice as a method of
creating a connection for the ground wire. We reasoned that
electricity would flow without the second common or neutral wire or
the ground wire that was eventually grounded at the power source generator.
No doubt our method of grounding was highly improper and
extremely dangerous but power would flow. In no
time we found where we could tap in to a power wire at the house
and route our single wire through some bushes and to the howff. To
try out our system we hooked up, in series, a light bulb, a switch,
then to our ground rod. The switch was flipped. We had light.
What a moment that was! Later we acquired a table power saw and hooked that up. It was observed
that when we had a spell of dry weather the saw would slow down and
the light would dim. No problem. We had a rain barrel for watering
garden plants nearby so it was easy to dip a pail of water and pour
it over our ground rod to improve the conductivity to the earth.
The result; bright light and full rpm for the saw.
(There's a lot more to this saw than my modestly saying, Later we
acquired a table power saw. On a visit to Bandirran I decided that
the wooden bee hives in the garden needed replacing and I decided
that I would make new ones. Only problem was that to make hives from
scratch one needed a precision circular powered table saw which I
didn't have. In talking this problem over with my brother John, he
stated that he would
make wooden patterns of all the metal parts of a saw. I then had
six sets of iron castings made at a Lochgelly foundry. Then by the use of Fenco's metal working machinery, I machined and
assembled six precision table saws. Five complete saws were sold and one was kept. I'm sure
that to this day all of the six saws are still operating.)
Our mother Katie with our humble
howff in the
the single wire.
However one day, our Dad on seeing our questionable method of
improving conductivity, went to the local certified electrician and had him
come and rewire our Howff for lights and electrical outlets and
connect The Howff to the house with approved wiring so that the
wiring was all done ship-shape and Bristol fashion. Now with unlimited electricity
available, Noel's ham radio interests really went into high gear.
When Noel was about twelve years old he started to read
everything he could get his hands on pertaining to electronics
and amateur ham radio. First Noel made a pair of make-and-break keys to send
Morse code and with bell wire and a
flashlight battery for power, we sent dot and dash messages to each other between our
bedrooms when the rest of the house was asleep. Next Noel
constructed a crystal/cat's whisker radio receiver and after
that he put together a one valve radio receiver. Noel
learned a new language that
neither I nor our brother John understood. Nor was there any one around who taught
electronics to Noel. Noel was strictly self motivated and
self taught. Resistors, variable condensers, copper wire, transformers,
oscillators, sine waves, variacs,
coils, valves, anodes, cathodes, amplifiers, power output
pentodes, aerials, impedance matching, numbers
and letters like 6L6, RCA 807's and 813s in the final became
Noel's world. To go along with this Noel had a gleam and a faraway
look in his eyes. He did numerous calculations then made lots of sketches on paper with all
sorts of strange symbols.
Noel made his great announcement. "From this garden shed in this
remote part of the world, we're going to communicate
with people all
around the world." I knew that Noel wasn't crazy and I knew
that he had "smarts" and determination enough that he just might make it
happen. When Noel was on to something he never gave up.
Noel began
by making
more sketches
on paper then daily he gave me instructions as to things he
wanted me to make for him. First it was a great metal
chassis with all sorts of strange holes in it. Then came copper
coils that he wanted of an exact diameter and wound and spaced
just so. This need almost stumped me, but into the makins pile I
went. I had an old treadle Singer sewing machine that I
converted into quite a respectable lathe complete with chuck. I
now could wind his coils to his heart's content. And so it went
on for about six months.
came the great day when Noel announced, "We're done," all that is,
except for an aerial. For try out, Noel decided to just
throw a long piece of wire over the roof of the howff and
connect it to the output of his transmitter. An identifying number was thought up. Noel flipped
a switch and his creation lit up like a Christmas tree.
By Morse
Code he tapped out: CQ, CQ, CQ, CQ, CQ, CQ, CQ, CQ, CQ, (which
in ham radio language means, anyone who hears this please
reply.) Next GM (Scotland symbol) 3GSN, GM3GSN, GM3GSN,
GM3GSN, CQ, CQ, CQ CQ CQ CQ then AR, AR, AR. (which means
end of message.)
After a
wait of about half a minute in came the electrifying signal on Noel's
receiver, "GM3GSN, GM3GSN,
GM3GSN this is Radio XXXXXX in Cairo, North Africa. I am
receiving you loud and clear, RST 599. Readability 5---Perfectly readable. Signal strength
9---Extremely strong signal. Tone 9---Perfect tone, no trace of
ripple or modulation of any kind.)
WOW!! Noel had done it! After all these months of working
and wondering, Noel had done it. Not only had Noel done
it, what Noel as an enthusiastic amateur had single handedly
engineered and created could have been the product of a
team of experts. What a memorable moment. We did indeed dance a
jig. In terms of communicating by radio Noel was a child
prodigy. While I could get results by turning the knobs and
dials I really had only the vaguest idea as to what was
happening. Noel understood how the invisible electrons that he
was creating were being multiplied and magnified and
were flowing and interacting within his circuitry then were
radiating out from his antenna to the ionosphere where they were
reflected back to the earth to the place of his choosing to be
received by someone thousands of miles away as intelligent
communication. ( Noel maintained that the angle of incidence and
the angle of reflection of a radio wave or a beam of light are
one and the same.)
about jumping over the roof. All of a sudden we had the means
to talk to people far and wide. From this remote little village
of Earlsferry on the East Coast of Scotland Noel was communicating with the
outside world. Can you imagine sitting in a garden shed in
a remote village on the east coast of Scotland, approximately
700 miles from the Arctic Circle in the northern hemisphere and forming a
friendship and a regular conversation schedule with another who
is sitting in an outpost on
one of the South Shetland islands in the South Atlantic in the
Antarctic near the South Pole? In no time Noel received QSL,
confirmation-of-contact, cards from ham radio operators around
the world that filled several shoe boxes.
George Three George Sugar Nancy
Noel's ham radio card.
When Noel was first
licensed in Scotland his number was GM3GSN.
After Noel and Marian
married, Noel moved to Stafford, England
and his number
became G3GSN.
At the
end of World War II government surplus stores and junk yards
opened up all over the country and from these places Noel acquired
numerous components that he used to construct ever more
powerful radio transmitters. By coupling these up to his
variable angle directional antenna he could virtually communicate
with anywhere on the globe. One of his prize finds was an
unopened box
that contained a BC 221, VFO variable frequency oscillator
that had been made by the
Boeing Company of Seattle. Lacking information as to this
item Noel contacted Boeing who very generously, at no charge,
sent him all of the data and manuals as to capability,
hook-up and use. Noel built this precision crystal controlled oscillator
into his transmitter where it became both it's heart and it's
brain. Another treasure that Noel found was a primitive cathode
ray oscilloscope. With this device Noel could probe his circuitry
to "see" what was going on inside his electronic components.
Not only was Noel a talented and gifted electronics child prodigy he was a pioneer
in that he advanced the state of the art of global
communication. When he
was yet a teenager Noel figured out
how he could link the world not only by sound but also by
means of vision. Two way station to station world direct
television. This was at the time that the state of the art of
broadcasting a black and white television signal had not yet advanced beyond
horizontally polarized line-of-sight transmission.
News article in The Fife East Neuk
"Tom plans world link in
vision and sound."
"Tom" is Thomas Noel
Later, Noel got to be so recognized that at one
time the British government enlisted Noel's help to be
their go-between to establish radio communications with one of their consulates in South America that,
despite all their resources, they were unable to reach.
Noel's amateur radio
station all built by him.
Notice his awesome rack of floor to ceiling
Outside he had a
telescoping radio
tower and a farm of
antennas all of his own design and