For those of us who are getting on in years, like
post 90, a
non commercial personal web site is a great
alternative to sitting in a rocking chair in the
idle moments and watching mundane TV programs. For
me this personal web site is a tremendous memory
jogger and it provides a place for me to
just ramble and jot down things that I had long forgotten but now I
recall. As
search engines have picked up on me and I strike a chord and ring a bell with others, messages
are coming in from all parts of the world and from long
forgotten friends and acquaintances who are now scattered around
the globe. In addition to my old friends I am contacted by
others who just wish to communicate with me. I will never meet
these cyber friends in person but it's illuminating to know that
people in
Timbuktu, the Ukraine and every nook and cranny in the world, know that I exist and wish to know me and tell me something of their lives.
As our beams sweep and crisscross the ether it's like ham radio as in the days
of old all over again only now with pin-point
accuracy, 24-7.
My retired school teacher daughter
Heather is my webmaster. (with a difference) Without
Heather's expertise and technical know-how I
would not have begun this pastime web site. Heather is a winner if
ever there was one. She's just awesome. Talk about
teaching old dogs new tricks! Heather does not do
things for me but she points the way. The teacher in
her has lead me down paths of discovery that for the
most part have
made me become relatively cyber self sufficient. Her
motto is, " Never, never, never give up and if at
first you don't succeed, like Robert The Bruce
observing a spider, try, try, try again until you
do." Heather always tells me, "Dad, if you try hard
enough and long enough you'll find the way to get it
Heather out
enjoying a beautiful spring day snowshoeing up in
the high country in
Central Oregon.
Note: Math is very much
alive. Of my web site pages my Octagon
page is the
most visited.
My good
friend Alberto a.k.a. Albert Lawrie kindly sends me
photos of Earlsferry and the East Neuk of Fife in
Scotland. Visit
Hutte and read about the Earlsferry region and
Alberto's events of the day.
is another great site to learn about
Earlsferry and the East
Neuk of Fife.
You have a choice of
three ways to return to my home page from any of my individual pages.
Click either the lighthouse at the bottom of each
page or click the Scottish Heritage banner at the top of each
page or click your go back one page button.